Highway Safety Impact Assessment in London

Highway Safety Impact Assessments are requested by Local Authorities in London to provide a high-level assessment in regard to transport and highway safety implications of a proposed development. Highway Safety Impact Assessments aim to provide the Local Authority with an overview of the transport and highways aspects of a proposed development such as accessibility, public transport accessibility, cycle parking, car parking, delivery and servicing, etc. Our Highway Safety Impact Assessments aim to identify and address potential issues and secure mitigation measures for all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.


Who Are We?

Capital Transport Planning Ltd is a leading transport and highways consultancy assessing the transport and highway implications of development proposals across London. We’re involved in a variety of projects and development proposals throughout the planning process, assessing proposals and advising clients on the transport and highways aspects of their proposals.


How We Work

We work proactively with our clients and the Local Authority to deliver first-class documents to secure approval for their development proposals. Highway safety is paramount to us, which is demonstrated in the documents and services we offer. Our assessments typically consider public transport accessibility, pedestrian and vehicular accesses, cycle parking, car parking, delivery and servicing, construction logistics and can be affected by a variety of factors such as traffic generation, traffic flow, highway design, traffic management, lighting, etc, which could impact overall highway safety.


Types of Assessment

Highway Safety Impact Assessment reports includes but are not limited to:

– The existing and proposed number and mix of units
– The existing and proposed number of parking spaces
– The existing and proposed access arrangements
– The existing and proposed refuse and recycling (waste) storage locations and arrangements for collection, including locations for the collection of vehicles
– Details/specification of proposed cycle parking and photographs of proposed location
– Details of the proposed servicing to be provided including the location, access/circulation and an indication of vehicle types and expected numbers of deliveries and times per day.


The Importance of Highway Safety Impact Assessment

Highway Safety Impact Assessments play a crucial role in the planning process and ensure that development proposals and projects have fully assessed the associated transport and highway impacts. Highway Safety Impact Assessments also allow Local Authorities to adequately mitigate any negative traffic/highway impacts which may arise because of the development proposal.

Hire Our Services For Transport, Planning & Construction Logistics in London

As a requirement of Local Authorities through local, regional and national planning policy, transport and highway impacts of development proposals must be assessed and mitigated. Our assessments play a vital and pivotal role in the assessment of development proposals and subsequent determining of planning applications. Whether you’re a home-owner, developer or professional, reach out and get the qualified support you need.

Phone: 02081681911

Email: info@capitaltp.co.uk